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Pitt Dental Medicine Helps to Support Homeless Vets

Tau Sigma coin

Veterans Day is November 11.

As this important holiday approaches, please remember the homeless veterans of our city. In their youth, these brave men and women gave their all to protect the freedom that each of us enjoys. They paid a great price and now many suffer from physically and mentally disabling wounds that have made it impossible for them to maintain a job, a home, or family relationships. In many cases the reward for their sacrifices has been abandonment by those whom they served. Many have been forced into that world of homelessness. There are some grants available to get these veterans into some sort of transitional and permanent housing but there is no money to help them obtain basic things like towels, dishes, eating utensils, blankets, toiletries, etc.

Please honor these men this Veteran’s Day. Tau Sigma, the national dental military group that began here at Pitt Dental Medicine, is collecting donations to assist homeless vets. One hundred percent of the funds collected will be used to purchase low denomination gift cards to be distributed through the Shepard’s Heart Homeless Veterans Shelter in Pittsburgh.

Donors of $25 or more will receive a Tau Sigma challenge coin. Donations can be made at noon at one of the various locations throughout Salk Hall over the next few weeks. If you wish to contribute, but are not in Salk Hall, please contact Dr. Robert Engelmeier at